Planning your Catholic wedding: A checklist
Congratulations on your engagement! Your parish will be happy to help you plan your wedding. This website can help, too, by giving you an idea of what to expect. Use this step-by-step checklist as a guide to planning your Catholic wedding:
- Are you ready for marriage?
- Can you be married in the Catholic Church?
- The engagement: A time of spiritual preparation
- Blessing your engagement

3. Preparing for a lifelong marriage
- Marriage preparation requirements
- Pre-marriage inventories
- Marriage preparation programs
- Natural Family Planning (NFP)
5. Choosing the form of your wedding
- Who will preside at the wedding?
- 'Catholic wedding priest' ads
- Order of Celebrating Matrimony within Mass
- Order of Celebrating Matrimony without Mass
- Order of Celebrating Matrimony between a Catholic and a Catechumen or a Non-Christian
6. Choosing Scripture readings
- Review your options for the readings
- Choose qualified readers (lectors) to proclaim the Word of God
- What is God saying to you in the readings?
- The text of the readings suggested by the Order of Celebrating Matrimony
- Work with your parish music minister
- Three criteria for choosing Catholic wedding music
- Find musicians
- Decide when music will be used in the wedding liturgy
- Choose songs, hymns, and other music
- Can we write our own Catholic wedding vows?
- Before the vows: Stating your intentions
- Choose from two versions of the vows
- Decide whether to memorize the vows
- Decide whether to have a song or acclamation after the vows
9. Choosing roles for family and friends
- Bride and Groom
- Presider
- Witnesses
- The wedding party
- Assembly
- Ushers
- Musicians
- Lectors (readers)
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- Gift bearers
- Altar servers
- Flower girls and ring bearers
10. Choosing other liturgical elements
- Greeting the guests
- Seating
- Greeting the assembly
- The wedding procession
- Prayer of the Faithful
- Prayers and blessings
- Unity candle
- Prayer before the Virgin Mary
11. Creating a wedding program for your guests
- Plan your wedding first
- Decide who will create and print your Catholic wedding programs
- Create a wedding program that encourages participation
- Don't forget the service music
- Catholic wedding program templates
13. The honeymoon and beyond...
For more information
Look here if you have specific questions that aren't covered in the planning section.
Look here for an index of topics covered on Catholic Wedding Help.
Other websites
This website deserves a bookmark for its wealth of marriage-building tools: blogs, daily marriage tips, personal stories, videos, marriage inventories, and links to resources in your area, just to name a few. And it's sponsored by the U.S. Catholic bishops' pastoral initiative on marriage.